Ode to Ali


Dear Champ, I have many male role models. My father, my grandfather, my big brother, uncles, big cousins, former coaches, friends, etc. These are all people that have been very close to me and have had a huge influence on my life.  I also have role models that I have never met before. This list ranges from Allen Iverson to Mahatma Gandhi. I look up to many great men, they all have had a hand in developing the way that I carry myself and my way of thinking. There is no way that I could ever claim to be #SelfMade.

Of all the men that have had a great impact on my life, other than my father, and others that I am very close to in my personal life, no one has influenced me more than you. What you accomplished in the ring, speaks for itself. We all know that you are the greatest to ever wear a pair of boxing gloves. You made sure that we knew it by telling the whole world repeatedly. In my opinion, you are also one of the greatest human beings of all time. I have studied you since I was a little boy and I have always been fascinated. How you spoke with such intelligence and carried yourself with such charisma. Your confidence, pride of self, faith, determination, work ethic, how you stood up for what you believed in regardless of the consequence. I draw so much inspiration from you. Your book, "The Soul of a Butterfly" was the first book that I ever read for pleasure, it gave me my love of reading. I remember the tears (Thug tears, and they didn't fall) in my eyes as I watched you light the torch at the 96 Olympics. I have your simple, yet genius poem, "Me, We." tattooed on me. I watch your interviews, speeches and fights what seems to be weekly. Your words are stiill as relevant today as they were over 20 years ago. I pray for your health. I pray that one day your voice will be restored so that the world can hear you speak with that fire again. The disease has had you quiet for a long time now, but I know that you are still thinking. I know that you would have so much to say, however, if that never happens you have already said and done more than enough. 

With this being your 73rd birhday, I just want to say Thank You. From myself and the millions of others around the world that you have influenced more than you could ever know. My goal is to accomplish your motto everyday, "Be great, do great things".