Same Ol' G...
As I mentioned in my last entry, I spent the last three months back home in Kansas City. During this time, I was able to hang with some of my good friends, people that I consider to be family. My core group of close frends are people that I went to high school with. We grew up together and remain extremely close to this day. These people REALLY know me.
It was great to spend time with my people again, living across the country, I don't get to see them often. No matter how much time passes between us seeing each other, it always feels like the good old days. I know that friendships that have lasted 15+ years are rare and I do not take them for granted. These are people that I know from experience have my back. Blood really coudn't make us any closer. These people are definitely family.
A subject that continued to come up while I was talking to my friends was Change. More specifically, me changing. All of the fellas were hanging, just shooting the shit, and we got on the subject of how some people that we grew up with have switched up and are completely different people now. No judgment towards them, we were just talking about how much a person can change in a short amount of time. During the conversation, one of my boys looked at me and said, "Shit, you changed." In a lighthearted way. I was shocked, I asked, How? He said, "Man you're all settled down now, I never thought I'd see it, you've changed!" I knew what he meant, but I disagreed with him, I told him that I didn't change, I'm still ME, my situation just change. It had to, for me to be the man that I want to be, things had to change. At 28, I can't do the same things that I was doing at 18. That would be a bad look. However, just because I'm not chasing hoes (his words) or partying every weekend anymore, doesn't mean that I, who I am, has changed. I look at it as maturing, and I still have a looong way to go. I am working on being more productive, living a meaningful life, and trying to find my purpose. I know that it's crazy for some people to see me in a serious relationship, or practicing Yoga, or reading certain books, or trying to get closer to God, but I am enjoying all of these things. Sometimes I sit and think about how different my life is today than it was a few years ago. Not much is the same, but I remember praying for my life to change, I didn't know exactly what I wanted, but I knew that I wanted things to be different, and they are.
I remember a conversation that I had with my brother a couple of years ago. I told him that if I died then, that a lot of people would remember me by saying, "That boy could shoot a basketball and had some bad bitches. (Again, THEIR WORDS)" I wanted to be remembered for more than that. I want to leave a better legacy than that. So hell, maybe I have changed, if so, I know it's for the better.