My Lambo's Blue...
This past Friday I had the most fun that I have had in a long time. I was honored to accompany my lady to the National Poetry Month Celebration at The White House. This was easily one of the best experiences that I've ever had.
When Alex received the e-mail invite from The President and The First Lady about a week ago, she thought someone was playing a trick on her. After some investigating, we found out that the invitation was the real deal. I was so excited for her, and as her biggest fan, I was not surprised. She deserves to be invited to these types of events. I only had one question at this point... βCAN I COME?!?β Luckily, they said it was cool for her to bring a +1, and after a background check, (which I was nervous about, even though I knew nothing would come up, I paid big bucks for those expungements) I made the cut!
After I found out that we were officially going, I did what I do every time I get some good news, called Mama. She was so excited! Her first question was, "Will the Obama's be there?!" I told her that I didn't know, but I was hoping that they would be. I didn't want to get my hopes up. The next thing she said was, "Ask him for a job!" I think that the POTUS has enough on his plate already, I don't think that he has time to find a gig for me. We got a good laugh out of that. She was so happy for us. As soon as we got off the phone, she googled the event and sent me a text saying that the President will be opening the ceremony and the First Lady will be closing it. My hopes were officially up.
The day finally came. I woke up early. It felt like Christmas morning. Alex was laughing at me because I told her that I was wearing my suit. I didn't care, I was told that you could never be overdressed. There was no way in hell that I was gonna be walking the halls of The White House and not be suited and booted. We got dressed and made our way down to the WH. We made sure that we got there early, this wasn't No Cover at the club before 11 that we're talking about here. When we arrived, I quickly noticed that EVERY other man there had a suit on also, I guess I have a little sense.
After we made it through the line, and all the security checks, we were inside. I was finally stompin with the big dogs. We were walking around in awe. It was beautiful inside. I needed something to take home, so I went to the bathroom and took some of the fancy paper towels with the President's seal on them. I guess I don't know how to act. After I ate about a dozen of the cookies that they were offering, it was time for the event to begin.
We were ushered into a small conference room and seated. I look around the room and it was a beautiful sight. There were only about 50 people in all, and a good percentage were young and black. Everyone was clearly just as excited as we were to be there. Now we were all waiting to see if the Obama's were gonna be there.
Our First Lady was introduced first. She came from a side door just as beautiful as she wanted to be. She greeted the room and was seated on the front row. Alex and I could barely stay seated, but we played it cool. A young poet from New Orleans was introduced to open the ceremony. She gave a great speech about the importance of Poetry. She concluded her speech by introducing The President of the United States, Barack Obama. The whole room was buzzing as he came out of the side door. He received a standing ovation and made the coolest walk to the podium that I've ever seen. I've met and seen a lot of celebrities and famous people, I've never been star struck. This was different. I remember exactly how I felt, (and the celebratory gunshots and fireworks at my HBCU) the night that he was elected. I was in shock, Alex and I were both tripping! He was right there! No further than a free throw line away from us. I've never seen anyone control a room like he did. He gave a great speech, which I can't remember much of, because I was too excited to focus, introduced the honoree and his friend, Elizabeth Alexander, and went right back out of the side door that he came in. After Mrs. Alexander gave an amazing presentation, Mrs. Obama closed out the ceremony. She is tough! Everything about her was on point. She gave a great speech about the importance of the arts. She also made a call to action for everyone in the room to step up make an impact on the world. After her speech, the celebration was over.
As we walked out, I know that I had to have a huge smile on my face. I was so inspired. Even though I didn't have the chance to meet the President or the First Lady, just being in the same room as them was amazing. I have never been in the presence of greatness on that level. No matter what people may say about them, they are making history, and that can never be taken away. Just being there made me want to do more. When I saw them in person, it just made me realize even more that anything is truly possible. I will remember this day for the rest of my life. One day, Alex and I will be able to tell our grandkids that we were invited to The White House by the first black President. I'm sure by the time we tell them, the story will change to we met them and I beat President Obama in a game of one on one on his basketball court.