I know these so called playas wouldn't tell you this...
Photo by: Erika Layne
I've known that I was going to marry Alex since July 2013. The first time that I saw her coming out of LAX, I knew it. Well, I knew that I was supposed to, I wasn't sure if she was going to let me. As soon as I saw her walk out of those doors, I knew it was a wrap. I wasn't ready to be a husband, hell, I wasn't ready to be a boyfriend, but I knew that one day, if she was willing to put up with my crazy ass, she would be my wife.
I guess she's willing. Almost three years later, she's still here. We've been through so much, and have grown together. Neither one of us were ready to be married when we first decided to give this a shot. We just knew that we wanted to ride together and see where this road would take us. She didn't know that she was getting in an old cadillac with a broken passenger door that only opens from the outside. In other words, her ass is stuck on this ride! In too deep.
We're very non traditional. We openly discussed marriage often. We both knew that it was what we wanted. Charleigh would ask me once a week when are we getting married. She wants a little brother or sister and thinks that marriage will automatically make that happen. I hope she's right. I always would tell her "soon." One day, Alex and I decided that we were ready. We said fuck it, let's set a date. "We ain't gettin no younga we might as well do it." So we agreed on the date, the location, she bought her dress that she had been looking at for about a year now and we told our family and friends to save the date. Only one thing was missing, the ring on her finger.
I'm big on making memories. Alex, not so much. She has made it clear to me over the years, that she does not want a big extravagant proposal. And even though we had already decided that we wanted to get married, I still wanted to make a memory of the moment that I asked her to be my wife.
I got the ring that she wanted. I knew what she wanted because she's been showing me rings since we first started dating, she made it easy for me. I ain't got time to get some mystery ring and then she doesn't like it and doesn't want to wear it. I wanted her to love what I was asking her to wear every day for the rest of her life to let guys know to leave her the hell alone. Now, I just had to figure out how I wanted to ask her to wear it proudly and be my wife.
We were planning on going back to Kansas City together for a weekend. I thought perfect, we can make a memory in my hometown. I was going to take her to our favorite museum back home, to have a picnic on the lawn, it's a beautiful location. I was going to have a photographer set up in the cut to take pictures of me on one knee. It was going to be a good memory. However, like the great prophet Andre 3000 said, "You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather." Alex wasn't feeling good and had a lot of work and travel coming up, so she couldn't make the trip back to KC with me. Plans ruined.
Now I had no plan, and the clock was ticking. She told me that she wasn't going on the trip on Tuesday and I was flying out Friday morning. She would be working in California when I got back, so we would be apart for almost two weeks. I needed this ring on her finger before I left. Thursday rolled around, and I still couldn't come up with a plan. I decided to do something that I personally think I'm great at, wing it.
Thursday is our date night every week, I knew that by the end of the night I had to pop the question that I already had the answer to but I didn't know how. So I had the ring in my pocket and was waiting for the right moment. We went on our date, and had a great time. We went to a nice restaurant and had a nice booth that looked set up for proposal. But I knew that Alex would be embarrassed and pissed if I dropped down to one knee in front of all these people. So, it didn't happen there. Next thing I knew we were back at home, ring still in my pocket. The clock was ticking.
We were in the bed listening to some of our favorite songs, that tell our story over the last three years. We were feeling great, we were in our element, laughing, kissing, enjoying each other. While I was singing to her, I took the ring out of my pocket and placed it in her hand. She asked "what the hell is that?" with a look on her face that I'll never forget. She knew what the hell it was, and she was ready for it. I slid off the bed, on to one knee. I grabbed her hand and looked her in the eye and asked "you really fuck with me huh? you really love me?" She said yes, I told her, "I love you too, more than anything in the world, will you be my wife?" She said, "YES." with the biggest grin I've ever seen on her face. Mission complete. Memory made.